Dániel István Ráksi

Dániel István Ráksi


Generation Z

Sándor Rabi, an 18-year-old high school student has been a part of my life for a long time. He likes to be in the centre of attention, and it is apparent that there is something to pay attention to. Sándor is a typical member of the Z generation’s consumer society. His fashion is determined by his love of brands and the art of “showing off”. On the other hand, our protagonist spends a lot of time on his grandfather’s farm with other members of his family, where he has to take care of the farm and life stocks. This unbelievable and sharp contrast inspirited me to create my thesis film.

Conultant: Borbás László, tanársegéd

Mozgóképművészeti és Kommunikációs Tanszék / Képalkotás BA – Mozgóképkultúra és Média Szakirány