Dániel Kalotai

Dániel Kalotai


Kept Inside

Co-creator: Imre Timkó

My thesis project done in cooperation with Dániel Kalotai is a short feature film, in which we explore the five stages of a terminal illness. These are the following: denial, negotiation, anger, depression, acceptance. Through the relationship of the patient and her nurse we portray our fictitious characters, and an existing sclerotic illness (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The plot gets even more complicated by the fact that due to past events the characters do not get on well with each other. Hence, the broken family trapped together because of the illness are struggling with not only the disease but the controversy between the sisters. The closed space and the co-dependence all facilitate human conflict. 

Conultant: Dr. habil. Monory Mész András, egyetemi docens

Mozgóképművészeti és Kommunikációs Tanszék / Képalkotás BA – Mozgóképkultúra és Média Szakirány