Zsófia Bajzek

Zsófia Bajzek



My thesis work is inspired by body art, hence, my body becomes the medium of the artwork. My aim is that my body itself becomes part of the artistic work, it merges with nature in a creative way. For this, as an alternative to glue I used honey, with which I attached petals to my body parts (arms, face and shoulder). The reason why I chose this form of art – the combination of body art nature art – was that in my opinion relationship between mankind and nature is vital. From my point of view, we should take greater care of nature, as it is essential to our lives. Mankind would not be able to exist without it. 

Conultant: Dr. habil. Erőss István, egyetemi tanár

Képzőművészeti Tanszék / Képalkotás BA – Természetművészet Osztály