Péter Csőke

Péter Csőke


Our Way

Co-creator: Dániel Gyulavári

Peti and Dani embark on the most well-known pilgrimage in the world, the El Camino. The film presents the hardships of the trip, the land, their life as pilgrims, and the development of their body and soul. Their aim is to leave behind the wonted, grey weekdays and to face an enormous challenge. The hardships of the trip can be the fully unknown environment, the physical burden, getting out of the comfort of their home and the predictable conflicts which are caused by their different personalities.

Conultant: Borbás László, egyetemi tanársegéd, Dr. habil. Monory Mész András, egyetemi docens

Mozgóképművészeti és Kommunikációs Tanszék / Kommunikáció- és médiatudomány BA