Vivien Beáta Kulcsár

Vivien Beáta Kulcsár

Children’s works collected by trainee teachers (Zsuzsanna Hegedűs, Lili Sajtos, Nikolett Zöld, Emma Bíró)

If ever I can teach I can get to know the children. One of my goals is to inspire those students who are not specialised at drawing to draw and paint with similar enthusiasm as those who opted for this specialisation. I intend to create an environment, where children do not only rest between the demanding lessons, but create wholeheartedly. I am interested in incorporating art therapy into the curriculum. My aim is that if someone only gets involved with drawing during my lessons then they leave with positive memories.

Vizuális Nevelés és Művészetelmélet Tanszék / Rajz- és vizuális kultúra osztatlan tanárképzés