Dorottya Dóka

Fragment No. 1–6

The nudes I depict are all paraphrases of earlier works created in the style of Romanticism, Classicism, and Realism, made by the French academic artist, William-Adolphe Bouguereau. The female figures, which he depicts are all pleasing to the eye, have subtle eroticism and charm. I tried to keep the same impressions and feelings in my own work, with some additions. I made the figures more distant by not depicting their most important and expressive power, their eyes. I tried to invoke a sense of alienation in the viewer, and thus eliminate a kind of possessive contact.

Conultant: Dr. Horváth Dániel, egyetemi adjunktus

Képzőművészeti Tanszék / Képalkotás BA – Festészet Osztály