Ádám Katona

Ádám Katona

behance.net/katonaadam, instagram.com/gas_adam, katonaadam.hu


It has happened to all of us that we suddenly felt an appetite for a food, or that we quickly had to put together some dish. Previous research has pointed it out that if we do not participate in the baking and cooking process, we do not feel it our own, its consumption will not be so enjoyable. If we know about ourselves that sometimes we have appetite for a certain dish, for instance potato scone, then it is very useful, if we open the kitchen cupboard and the ingredients are all there. And all we have to do, is to prepare the dish with our kitchen utensils, and the packaging itself. 

Conultant: Dr. Süli-Zakar Szabolcs, egyetemi docens

Média és Design Tanszék / Tervezőgrafikus művész MA