Enikő Nemoda Kökényné

Enikő Nemoda Kökényné


Children’s Portraits

Although I take children, the objects of these portraits out of their everyday environment, I still leave them with their thoughts, feelings and I place them into a majestic environment, into nothingness. In this case, this nothingness is the whiteness of the canvas itself. I paint children’s faces in a detailed, realistic way, but on the other hand, their hair and clothing remain sketchy. I use different painting technics, because I would like to place the focus only on the children. This concept might create the feeling of incompleteness, but for me that is how a portrait becomes complete and special. 

Conultant: Konzulens: Dr. Horváth Dániel, egyetemi adjunktus

Képzőművészeti Tanszék / Képalkotás BA – Festészet Osztály