Renáta Éva Kelemen

Renáta Éva Kelemen

Children’s works collected by trainee teachers (Árpád Botond, Sára Kincső Szénás, Péter Gergő Bíró)

“For the airplane was not contrived in order to carry business letters from Berlin to Moscow, but in obedience to the irresistible drive of this yearning for speed to take on external form.“  (Kazimir Malevich)

The greatest achievement of drawing lessons and arts is not the product, but the benevolent and constructive process taking place during the making of the product, which shapes one’s personality and creates a community.

Vizuális Nevelés és Művészetelmélet Tanszék / Rajz- és vizuális kultúra osztatlan tanárképzés