Laura Lackner
Laura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella HistoriaLaura Lackner :: Boclar Capella Historia

Laura Lackner

Boclar Capella Historia


My thesis is a comprehensive monograph on the Balatonboglár Chapel Studio, which unfolds the chapel's complete history from its construction to the present day in three distinct chapters. I pay particular attention to the pivotal era of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde movement, which came to fruition within the chapel's walls. With this publication, I pay homage to the chapel, which boasts a rich past and has provided shelter for diverse forms of artistic expression. During the physical realization of my thesis, a key objective was to incorporate experimentation into the design process.

The research aims to explore the chapel's history, emphasize its cultural significance, and preserve its artistic heritage. The goal is to present a comprehensive picture of the Balatonboglár Chapel Studio's history, highlighting the neo-avant-garde era's prominent role. The book's target audience ranges from art-interested young adults to the older generation committed to history and art history.

Conultant: Endre Koronczi

Graphic Design BA